Policies and Procedures To Resolve Student Grievance/Complaints Policy Any student who has filed a grievance claiming that his or her rights as a student of NTI Career Institute (NTI Career Institute) have been violated or discriminated against by either race, color, age, disability, national origin, religion, veteran status, sex or sexual orientation, including sexual harassment, has the opportunity to seek resolution for such grievance. This may take place formally through an established grievance procedure, or the matter may be handled informally through mediation of designated officers of the institution. Written responses will be given to the student within seven working days. If the problem remains unresolved, students may contact the Director of the program and within ten working days a written response is given to the student. If the matter is then unresolved you may contact: Texas Workforce Commission Career Schools and Colleges - 501 East 15th Street, Austin, Texas 78778 -512-936-3100 |